Friday, June 10, 2011

Commercial Fire Sprinklers controlled a Roofing Factory Fire

An industrial setting can provide numerous challenges to fire protection. The industrial process is often hot, messy, and flammable--and any factory needs more than passive fire protection. Luckily, fire sprinklers can protect even the most fire-prone businesses and factories. Take the Canroof roofing factory as an example.
Commercial Fire Sprinklers
Roofing factories work with asphalt, hot metals, and other incendiary materials--and there are plenty of ways extreme fires can break out. In this case, a large piece of industrial machinery caught fire during a routine maintenance procedure. The blaze grew into a three-alarm fire in just twenty minutes.
That afternoon, firefighters received the call that this Toronto factory was on fire. Rushing to the scene, they found plenty of smoke, but not much fire--it had been controlled by the commercial fire sprinkler system the owners had installed. Within two hours firefighters were able to extinguish the fire completely. No loss of life was reported. The building and much of the equipment was saved, as well.
Roofing Factory Fire
Many business owners believe commercial fire sprinklers don't pack enough power to protect their building and equipment. However, commercial fire sprinklers are remarkably flexible. They can be designed for all kinds of building uses and risk levels--so business owners can design commercial fire sprinkler systems specifically for their building's needs. With their extraordinary success levels and record of saving billions in damage, it's no wonder so many business owners are seeing the benefits of commercial fire sprinklers.

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